Saturday 9 June 2007

A colourful life… ( 8th June'07)

After a quite drizzling the whole night, I was awaken by the bright rays of sun. From my bed I peeped through the window, I saw the dew covered meadow, and trees all bowing down due to the weight of water on its leaves. The parrots and kukkoo chirping. The bees made a buzzing lullaby.

Jus rolling from my cozy bed reaching to put off the alarm. Said good morning to the squirrel peeping at the window. Greasing my unkempt hair, skate to the nearby park with a foot ball.

Said hi to my friends there, and toss a game. Relishing a hard victory wiping the sweat about to drop on my eyes, I jus slant and I sat on the green bushy grass.

A lot of butterflies fluttered around the beautiful flowers. I was amassed seeing the varied colours it had ,.., each one was unique by its structure and brilliant colours. One of them flapped and sat on my shoulder .., I felt heaven. !!, Then two other butterflies followed.

But I felt selfish, I wanted to catch them. I tried my hand, but only its colour stuck on my fingers. All the butterflies flew away.

I felt I have disturbed that small insect. I should not have meddled with its freedom.

Every creature has its own freedom and purpose of life. If you have the nectar(sweetness) in you, the butterflies will come to you, and the life is similar. Only till we live a unselfish true life, our friends will be with us.

This world is a beautiful place to live. Lets maintain its serenity and peace. Lets live a true life, helping others and sharing a blissful love.

(From my diary)

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